Tag Archives: tablet

iPad 3 Coming out soon?

iPad 3 Coming soon?

iPad 3 Coming soon?

It seems like Apple is ready to release the iPad 3 very soon according to some reliable sources. There are rumors that Apple has been testing a smaller screen verson of the iPad 3 in order to compete with the Amazon Kindle Fire and smaller versions of the Samsung Galaxy. Personally I am not a big fan of tablets. I don’t see the point of paying 500$ for a tablet. I bought my HP 16Gb Touchpad for $99.99 when the HP’s fire sale was going on and to be honest I rarely use it. I just use it to read books because you are able to store a bunch of books and read them on a beautiful screen. But that is my personal opinion 🙂 … so click on the image to have a more detailed version of the story.

Source: WashingtonPost.com

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